Gabby Lingrosso
Gabby Lingrosso is an ambitious student always looking for ways to help the community. She got started with joining the Girl Scouts for 10+ years, spending a lot of her time volunteering for events, learning more about the world we live in, and contributing to the community. As Gabby has been learning a lot about the world over the years, she has been caring more about the issues many people have to face. And as she is of mixed descent, Korean and White, she has been taught stories about abuse towards women of color around the world and grew to care more about this issue.
Along with that, Gabby has spent years studying and practicing video/audio editing as she pursues a career in the entertainment industry. She has earned a leadership role in her school’s broadcasting team, working every day to produce an episode each week to provide news and entertainment for the school. Combining her skills with video/audio editing and her passion in spreading the word about violence against women of color, Gabby has taken on the job of producing a podcast alongside other members of WAIA to help spread news about violence towards women of color around the world through another source.