Khadija Mohammed
Khadija Mohammed is a student of Indian descent. As a woman of color growing up in America, as well as witnessing her other friends, has personally had to miss out on opportunities and has not been treated as an equal in many instances. To her, it was insulting to see these individuals barely receive any credit for what they do, simply based on their race or their skin tone. She wants to be a part of the change of making sure that future generations do not have to face anything similar, which led her to WAIA.
She is also the Director of Volunteer Coordination for the Girls Education Association, a Rhizome Community Organizer where she onboards fellows to empower Gen-Z to engage in their communities through civic empowerment, and is also an editor for the Borgen Project blog. A few of her hobbies include going out with friends, writing her own stories, or watching movies.