Jullien David

Jullien David is a student based in Houston Texas hailing from a Nigerian immigrant family. Growing up in Nigeria she has seen numerous injustices towards women in many different circumstances and after moving to America she noticed these acts of aggression continue against women of color. As an aspiring neurologist and psychologist, she hopes to understand the origins of these injustices and help women of color overcome the mental barriers and social stigmas that may be stopping them from achieving their goals. She joined WAIA in hopes of helping change the lives of women of all nationalities across the globe and empowering them to exceed the expectations of those around them. 

She chose the curriculum directing sector to not only learn more about the reality of the mistreatment of women around the world but to also help in teaching others about it in hopes of creating a better future for women and girls. Her experience in this sector comes from the literary and research-essay based clubs she is a part of in school wherein she devises lesson plans and helps those in her club further their knowledge of argumentative writing. Her hobbies include writing personal stories, reading novels and listening to music in her free time.